TLCs (Scattered) Thoughts

Location: Gilbert, AZ

I am a writer, a photographer, and a Dork Chop FO-tog. I can be found on FB at and also on Flickr at Mostly I capture what I see from my perspective.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I have a dream too...

Martin Luther King Jr. 'I have a dream speech'... It gives me a lump in my throat every time I watch it.  
 I have a dream too...

I have a dream…that one day, all children in the state of AZ-black, white, Hispanic, dyslexic, autistic-
won’t go without services they need because funding the Cardinal Stadium was more important. 
I have a dream that children will be judged on their capacity to try, and not give up-
rather than their capacity to complete a task in 45 minutes. 
I have a dream that children will be judged on their day to day grades-
not on a single test score, on a single day, in a set period of time.  
I have a dream that in AZ, kids will prevail,
Programs will be funded,
and all children will reach their highest possible potential.

Tracy Lynn Cook

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Saturday, January 2, 2010


Christmas is over, the tree is outside
the presents are played with, my bottom is wide (er)
New Year's promises made, but kept quiet
because plans of running off to join the circus would cause quite a riot!
Resolutions to keep, some easy-some not...
to be a calmer person (maybe not such a snot?)
But some I keep all to myself, tucked away inspirations to work on in private
If I succeed, then next year I'll be a Somali Pirate.

Welcome to 2010 everybody!

I usually am glued to the 'year in review' shows, however, this year the tv remote has not been anywhere near my hot little hands. So I had to do my own mental year in review. (Much more colorful than the boring old tv ones!)

Here is all I could remember:

The most wonderful presidential inauguration speech EVER, complete with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat, and an intense feeling of pride in my country for the first time in my life. Wow.

A FABULOUS trip to FL where I watched the sunrise every morning from the Atlantic Ocean. Wow!

Hannah starting High School...and not doing well for the first time in her academic 'career'. Who'da thunk it?!?

Ellie and her amazing talent...whispering, sneezing, death scenes (playing 'bang!' dead), growling, grumbling, and kissing on the cheek (pecking non-slobber style). Such a character!!

Finishing my 'stream' addition to my backyard pond. And I did it myyyyyyyy way (repeated mistakes and repeated corrections...) Sheesh!

The GIANT spiders I bravely dealt with this summer. VERY LARGE SPIDERS!!! Thank heavens I never got around to divorcing the spider killer (husband). Holy CRAP!!

Poor Gail... Yes, let's not forget the woman who married my father-in-law (ew), then had an unfortunate change of mind during a time when I was the only relative NOT on the East Coast- who was available to look out for my father-in-laws' interests (which meant poor Gail had to go). The surreal sight of the suburban caravan full of people summoned by a frantic Gail who didn't want a 'Mexican' man moving her things. Bizarre just doesn't quite describe.

Transformers; Xmen; and Avatar...none of which I would want to see again. But the popcorn was yummy...

Pre-Algebra... I'm actually not that bad at math... Who Knew?!?

Last, but not least, the culmination of friends and family pushing me to send my writing to people who might publish something. It was hard sending my 'work' out for someone else to read and decided if my heart felt story was 'worth' printing. It gave me a big boost that the first magazine I sent three little stories to liked one enough to print. It is in the January copy of Raising Arizona Kids. Haven't seen it yet, but wow. Thanks to all the friends and family who gave me endless nudges. I wouldn't have done it were it not for you.

It was a good year overall...and I'm still very VERY proud of my country.

I have a new website where I am pulling together my links, and practicing my computer skills... like right now?  I'm going to insert a link... tlcs (gathered) thoughts ...did it work?  Click to find out!!! 

;)  Love,

Tracy, aka TLC, aka Desert Pal, aka eviction specialist, aka creature who screams when she sees us (from an arachnid perspective), aka control freak mother... I'm sure I've forgotton some...Oh Well...
