Location: Gilbert, AZ

I am a writer, a photographer, and a Dork Chop FO-tog. I can be found on FB at and also on Flickr at Mostly I capture what I see from my perspective.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Physicists take Long Beach by storm for annual meeting #science #DFD #APS #gilbertnews

A city full of scientists! THAT will be a great time!! ;)

(I TEASE the science peeps)

Amplify’d from

Flowing fluid study: Jupiter's oil, mucus, and other flowing fluid

The 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's (APS) Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) is happening this month from November 21-23, 2010 at the Long Beach Convention Center, located in downtown Long Beach, California.

However, being married to a 'scientifically inclined' man, I would like to take an opportunity to warn Long Beach about the strange breed they'll be hosting.  They tend to be "deep thinkers" who "contemplate" alot.  Often, asking a question can mean a prolonged discussion where a simple yes or no would have sufficed. 

At my home in Gilbert, AZ, the fool who asks the question that elicits a long drawn out explanation of the origin of the "spork", deserves to be "stuck" while the rest of the family slinks away into the inky shadows to escape being put to sleep by the virtues, pros and cons, and technological advances of the plastic utensil. 



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